Category Archives: Miss Norma’s 3-Year Diary

Miss Norma’s Diary – December 31, 1960 – “Came home and got drunk at 12:00”


“We went down the street for a while. At night we went to the show again and we sat in front of two cute boys and one kept watching me. Verne was there. The show got out at 9:30.

Came home and got drunk at 12:00.


Barbara and I called up Alan, Stew, Vern, Carol, Ray, Bennie, Mal, Loren, Sally, Connie, Sonny and Warren.”

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Miss Norma’s Diary – December 30, 1960 – “I was sitting with Verne and Warren was sitting right across from us and he kept looking at me”


“Today Barbara and I stayed home and at night we went to the show. I was sitting with Verne and Warren was sitting right across from us and he kept looking at me.

Connie and Bennie were there and Connie said something dirty to us.


Johnny was at the show.”

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Miss Norma’s Diary – December 29, 1960 – “he asked Warren if he would mind if he took me to the show”


“Today Barbara and I walked all around and about 6:30, Ian called up Connie and he said that he was a girl that liked Bennie and he asked

Connie something and she said she had been going for 4 hours.


Then later, Ian called up Warren and he said that he was a guy that liked me and he asked Warren if he would mind if he took me to the show and he said, ‘No.’”

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Miss Norma’s Diary – December 28, 1960 – “Bennie called me up and he said, ‘Who told you that I still liked you?’”


“Today Barbara and I were walking down the street and we saw Connie and Bennie so they started following us. So, we walked up passed Henry’s and Bennie said,’They’re going to Verne’s house.’ So, they quit following us and we went to Vern’s house so they quit following us. We were up there for an hour talking then when we got home,

Bennie called me up and he said, ‘Who told you that I still liked you?’


and I said, ‘Barbara.’ And he said, ‘Well, I don’t.’ And I said, ‘Well, what do you want me to do about it? I couldn’t be happier.’ Then he talked to Barbara.”

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Miss Norma’s Diary – December 27, 1960 – “I called Connie a bitch – Connie was acting real big walking down the street holding Bennie’s hand.”


“Today Connie called me up and she wanted to go out with us and so she did and she was griping at us all day. Then she said to me, ‘Bennie said your hair was always a mess.’ I said, ‘That’s a bunch of bull because he always says my hair is so long and pretty.’ And she got mad. Then later we saw Bennie and Connie went over and talked to him. She said, ‘Bennie I’m mad at you.’ So, Barbara and I went on down the street and Bennie and Connie started following us all over the place and I called Connie a bitch and she said, ‘Bennie did you hear what she said to me?’

Connie was acting real big walking down the street holding Bennie’s hand.”


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Miss Norma’s Diary – December 26, 1960 – “Today me and Barbara went out with her parents “


“Today me and Barbara went out with her parents and at night we went to her cousin’s house.”


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Miss Norma’s Diary – December 25, 1960 – “Today in the morning I opened up presents and in the afternoon Barbara and I went out”


“Today in the morning I opened up presents and in the afternoon Barbara and I went out.

At night, we went over to her cousin’s house.


Then I stayed over night with her.”

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Miss Norma’s Diary – December 24, 1960 – “Then when he left he called up and he wanted to know if I was mad at him and I said yes because he liked Connie”


“Today in the morning I played records for a while. Then later, we went up to Bob and Marie’s at night I went to Barbara’s house and Bennie called up but first Bennie and Ray came over. Then when he left he called up and he wanted to know if I was mad at him and I said yes because he liked Connie but he kept asking why I was mad at him for liking Connie if I didn’t like him.

So Barbara told him that I liked him but he didn’t believe her then he said,


‘How come you like Warren? He doesn’t like you.’ And I said, ‘I know but I like him.'”

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Miss Norma’s Diary – December 23, 1960 – “I stayed home all day and watched television.”


“Today I got up at 8:30 and I stayed home all day and watched television.”


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Miss Norma’s Diary – December 22, 1960 – “Then he asked if he could have a Christmas kiss and I said o.k.”


“Today I went down the street and at night I went to the show with Barbara, Malcolm and Connie went and I sat by Verne at the show because I didn’t want to sit by Ray and Verne wanted me to sit by him. Then he asked if he could have a Christmas kiss and I said o.k.

Bennie was real mad at me for sitting by Verne.”


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