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Miss Norma’s Diary – July 30, 1960 – “I found out that Malcolm is going to college in San Francisco”


“Today Barbara and I went to La Jolla again and we went up by Mal’s house. His car was there. We were standing on the corner and then we walked by their house again and when we were right across the street from it, Mrs. Richards drove by in the Lincoln. We both saw her but Barbara turned around and started walking the other way and then she hid behind a bush. A little later we went home. Then at night, Bill and me went down to the M.G.C. and Mr and Mrs. Richards was there. . . 

. . .Bill stood there and talked to them for a while then we played M.G. . .

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. . .Then when we were through Bill talked to them again. I found out that Malcolm is going to college in San Francisco. . .

. . . When we were through playing the first game of M.G., I looked up and saw Mal’s car go by but he did not come to M.G. I pray that Mal won’t go to college because he’ll be gone about 4 years and I could not stand not seeing him for that long.”

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Miss Norma’s Diary – July 29, 1960 – “P.S. Lorrin had Janicaas on tonight and he looks read good in them”


“Today Barbara and I went to ‘La Jolla’ to try and find Mal’s house.  First we walked way up this hill but we could not find it. Barb said, ‘There was no such address.’ But I said, ‘There has to be.’ It was real hot there so we walked down by the cove and all along the water front. . .

. . .Then we started looking for the house. . .

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. . .We looked about 3 hours and just when we were about to give up we saw another street called Prospect st. So, we followed the street and all of a sudden I screamed, “There’s Mal’s car!” So, we walked up by the car and we stood there for a while. Then we walked up to get a coke at the store and when we walked by Mal’s house again, his car was gone. . . 

. . .We were both mad so we went up to the corner and stood there and talked. I turned to look down the street and Mal’s car went right by us. Lincoln was driving and was sure he saw us.  We watched him so we could see which house they lived in. After he went in the house, we walked by there. A little later we caught the bus and went home. When we walked by Penny’s we saw Lorrin’s car down at M.G. At night, Barbara and I went down to the M.G.C. and Bobby was working. I handed him my card and he said, ‘You paying for both of ’em?’ and I said, ‘No’ and he said, ‘Gee, what a friend. You make her pay her own.’ . .

. . . P.S. Lorrin had Janicaas on tonight and he looks read good in them.”

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Miss Norma’s Diary – July 28, 1960 – “I was sitting there staring at him with tears running down my cheeks”


“Today I babysat Margaret’s kids then Barb and I went down the street with Cindy. We went to the M.G. Lolly was there. That night at M.G. Barbara and I were standing in front of the office and Mal came. He looked at me and he didn’t smile or anything he just walked into the office. . . 

. . .He acted like he hated me. . .

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 . . .After a while Barb had her radio on real loud and Mal came up to us and said, ‘Could you please turn the radio down?’ and I got real disgusted. Then later on Mal was standing by the 19th hole. He was turned sideways looking at the office and I was sitting there staring at him with tears running down my cheeks. Then all of a sudden he turned around and started looking at me. Then I realized he saw me crying. I ran in the bathroom, still crying. Barb came in a few minutes later.”

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Miss Norma’s Diary – July 27, 1960 – “He said he was going to read my diary”


“Barbara and I went down to the M.G. again and Mal Darling was there. When we went up there he said, ‘Have you got anymore free games left”‘ and we said ‘yes’ and then Mal asked me if I won 5 more free games the other night and I said, ‘yes’ and he said, ‘I thought I saw your name down there again.’ After a while Jimmy came and he was talking to us. He said he was going to read my diary but I said ‘no, you’re not’ and I held up the key that was around my neck. . . 

. . .Later on Mal left and I stood there and watched him drive away hoping he would see me. . .

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. . .Then Jimmy asked us if we would bowl with him so we did and he and Bill went to get a beer. After we were through, Barb and I went to the ‘head’. As we walked to the head, Bobby kept looking at us and he was smiling.  ‘Amo Mal'” (I Love Mal)

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Miss Norma’s Diary – July 26, 1960 – “Malcolm’s mother said she liked my hair in a French roll.”


“Nothing good at all happened today. In the morning I went down the street with Margaret and she got my mav mav (?) out of lay-a-way for me.  At night Barb and I went down to M.G. and Mabel, Gladys and Bill came later. We played two games and Bill and them wanted to play again but it was time for Barbara to go home. . .

. . .So Bill took her home and then he came back and we played again. . .

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. . . Malcolm’s mother said she liked my hair in a French roll.”

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Miss Norma’s Diary – July 25, 1960 – “If he doesn’t come after me, I’ll go after him.”


“Nothing much happened today. Barbara and I went to the beach for a while and we both got sun burnt. Then at night we went to M.G. When we got there Bobby was there but he just stayed a little while. . .

. . .Then Bobby’s father drove by in Malcolm’s car. . .

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. . .A few minutes later Malcolm drove by in Lincoln’s car but he did not come to the M.G. as Lincoln did.  About an hour later Mal came. He had a blue shirt and light tan pants on and he had his hair combed a different way. He had it like Bobby’s. When Mal saw me he waved and I smiled at him. When Barbara and I got through playing M.G. we went over and stood by Mal.  But I didn’t say one word to him. If he doesn’t come after me, I’ll go after him.”

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Saturday Morning Cartoon Lineup In The Year 1969!

Can you remember the cartoons that you watched on Saturday mornings on ABC?  You might be able to name some of them but chances are, you’ll never recall the entire line-up on any particular day, say September 6th 1969?  If you could, THAT would be amazing!  The only reason that I can is because I found the advertising for this line-up buried in the pages of an old comic book (my new passion, so, you can look forward to more posts about comics). Can you remember getting up to watch these cartoons all morning long on your day off?  Take a look:

8:00 – The New Adventures of Casper The Friendly Ghost.

The sad part was that nobody believed that he was friendly and it made him sad that everyone was afraid of him all the time.


8:30 – The Smokey Bear show.

I’m sure he had a lot to say about forest fires.


9:00 – The Cattanooga Cats.

They look like they really know how to rock!


10:00 – Hot Wheels.

Fast cars and good times! Who wouldn’t watch this cartoon?


10:30 – The Hardy Boys.

“The classic mystery stories of The Hardy Boys come to life in this new cartoon series!”


11:00 – Sky Hawks.

Daring air and sea rescue missions.


11:30 – The adventures of Gulliver.

Although it doesn’t look like much of an adventure. Even the dog is having a bad day!


12:00 – Fantastic Voyage.

And finally, this is when your parents begin to wonder if you’re going to do anything at all with your day. Little did they know that your day was nearly done!


Miss Norma’s Diary – July 24, 1960 – “Barbara wrote, ‘The handsome gift was Mal!'”


“Today the whole family went on a picnic at Shutter Island. We stayed there all day then at night Barbara, Mabel and Me went down to the M.G. (miniature golf). Mal’s mother and father were there but Lollia and Mal were not. . .

. . .Write Tomorrow!. . .


P.S. The birthday card Barbara gave me said, “Had a handsome gift for you. . . but he got away!”  and inside the card Barbara wrote, ‘The handsome gift was Mal!’. . .

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. . .P.P.S. Mabel asked Mal’s mother what their last name was and said ‘Richards’. . . .

. . . Malcolm’s Car Licence # CCL363

Mr. Richards’s License # EMS329

Lorrin’s License # UDN9214″

Miss Norma’s Diary – July 23, 1960 – No Entry


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Miss Norma’s Diary – July 22, 1960 – No Entry


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