Miss Norma’s Diary – April 23, 1961 – “Then he told me, ‘Norma, you know how crazy I am about you.’”


“Today in the morning Barbara and I went to her house did the work and came up here again. Then Ian took us for a drive after we picked up Larry. We drove up past Oceanside then they ate up there. On the way back some tube popped in Ian’s car so they got it fixed. I was real mad cause I thought mommy and daddy would have to come and get us but the tube didn’t hurt anything. So, I was mad then and Larry asked me if I was mad and I said ‘no’ Then he asked me if I wanted us to stop seeing each other and I didn’t answer. I almost starting balling. Then Larry said, ‘I couldn’t stop seeing you now.’ Then he told me, ‘Norma, you know how crazy I am about you.’ And I said, ‘I don’t want to stop seeing you.’ And then he kissed me.

Then we were making out a whole lot and then Larry messed up my hair.

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So, I messed up his hair and then he kissed me goodbye and later I called him. Today I said, ‘I hope mom and dad don’t see us’ And Larry said, ‘Well, I’ll see them sooner or later anyway won’t I?’ and he kissed me and I said, ‘yeah’.”

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