Miss Norma’s Diary – August 10, 1960 – “I still love Malcolm an awful lot, even if he is older”


“Today Barbara and I went down the street today. At night, Barbara and I went down to the Miniature golf course. When we got there, Mrs. Richards was there. She said Malcolm was supposed to work but he went home to change clothes. When Barbara and I got through playing (and we both won 5 free games) I saw Loren driving up. When Loren came up to the office, Mrs. Richards said to him, ‘Norma and Barbara just won the 19th hold again,’ And Loren said to me, ‘You’re mean, you cheated again,’ and then he smiled. After that, Mrs. Richards left. Later on, Barbara and I was sitting on the counter and Loren came up and put the club in my face, when I jumped, he said, ‘Some people sure are nervous.’ Then Jimmy said,. . .

. . .’Now be quiet Loren because Norma is going to read us her diary.’. .

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. . .And Loren said, ‘Oh boy!’ Then I got out my book and Loren said, ‘Let me see it.’ So, I gave it to him and he looked at the pictures in the book. I said to him, ‘I didn’t know there was any pictures in there’ and Loren said, ‘You didn’t? That’s the first thing I look for in a book. If it doesn’t have pictures, I won’t read it.’ And then he said, ‘ I don’t remember any of these picture in the movie.’ Then, later, when Barbara and I were still sitting on the counter, I turned around and Loren had glasses on. He looked at me and he took them off real fast and he put them on the shelf. Then later, Jimmy said to us, ‘Let’s bowl.’ So, Barbara and I played against Loren and Jimmy. And Loren kept going real close to the glass. I don’t think he could see the score from far back. A little later, I said goodbye to Jimmy and then I looked at Loren and I said ‘bye’. Loren and he smiled at me and said ‘bye’. I still love Malcolm an awful lot, even if he is older.'”

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