Miss Norma’s Diary – July 13, 1960 – “Jim kept kidding me about my purse” – “a gunnie sack”


Barbara and I went down to the miniature golf course and Troy Larry was there and then Tim came there too. Jim is the other man that works there sometimes. Well tonight we found out that that English man is ‘Larry’s’ father.

Jim kept kidding me about my purse. First he asked me if I carried my lunch in it and then he said something else but I can’t remember now.  Well anyway, Larry looked at me and said to Jim “Don’t you know that’s a gunnie sack” and then he laughed and smiled at me.  I was sitting on the counter by myself and then Harry came over and sat by me. Then he got down and went into the office.  He got the box and stick then he crawled back over the counter and he put the stick in my purse and we laughed. Pretty soon Larry went home“. – End

2016-07-12 16.21.24

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