Chart 3 – Exercise Plan For Women 10 Exercises 12-Minutes-A-Day

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Chart 3:


Exercise 1 – Toe Touching.

Start. Stand erect, feet about 16 inches apart, arms over head. Bend down to touch floor outside left foot. Bob up and down to touch floor between feet. Bob again and bend to touch floor outside right foot. Return to starting position.

Count. Each return to starting position counts one.


Exercise 2 – Knee Raising.

Start. Stand erect, feet together, arms at sides. Raise left knee as high as possible, grasping knee and shin with hands. Pull leg against body. Keep back straight throughout. Lower foot to floor. Repeat with right leg. Continue by alternating legs – left then right.

Count. Left and right knee raises count one.


Exercise 3 – Lateral Bending.

Start. Stand erect, feet 12 inches apart, right arm extended over head, bent at elbow. Keeping back straight, bend sidewards from waist to left. Slide left hand down leg as far as possible, at the same time press to left with right arm. Return to starting position and change arm positions. Repeat to right. Continue by alternating to left then right.

Count. Bends to left and right count one.


Exercise 4 – Arm Circling.

Start. Stand erect, feet 12 inches apart, arms at sides. Make large circles with arms in a windmill action – one arm following other and bother moving at the same time. Do half number of repetitions making backward circles and half making forward circles.

Count Each full circle by both arms counts one.


Exercise 5 – Sit-ups.

Start. Lie on back, legs straight and together, arms along sides. Keeping back as straight as possible, move to a sitting position. Slide hands along legs during this movement finally reaching forward to try to touch toes with fingers.

Count. Each return to starting position counts one.


Exercise 6 – Chest and Leg Raising.

Start. Lie face down, legs straight and together, arms stretched sidewards at should level. Raise entire upper body and both legs from floor as high as possible. Keep legs straight. Return to starting position.

Count. Each return to starting position counts one.


Exercise 7 – Side Leg Raising.

Start. Lie on side, legs straight, lower arm stretched over head along floor, top arm used for balance. Raise upper leg until it is perpendicular to floor. Lower to starting position.

Count. Each leg raise counts one. Do half number of counts raising left leg. Roll to other side and do half number of counts raising right leg.


Exercise 8 – Elbow Push-ups.

Start. Lie face down, legs straight and together, elbows directly under shoulders, forearms along floor, and hands clasped together. Raise body from floor by straightening it from head to heels. In the up position, body is in a straight line and elbows, forearms, and toes are in contact with floor. Lower to starting position. Keep head up throughout.

Count. Each return to starting position counts one.

(Supplementary Exercise 8a & 8b at bottom of this post)


Exercise 9 –


Exercise 10 –


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Supplementary Exercise 8a.

Start. Stand erect, arms at sides, feet about 12 inches apart. First raise up onto toes, then lower until feet are flat on floor. Next roll outward on side of feet, then roll feet so that outside edge of foot is off floor. Return to starting position.

Count. Each return to starting position counts one.

Chart 3_8a

Supplementary Exercise 8b.

Start. Lie on back, legs straight and together, arms slightly to side. Relax muscles of trunk. Press lower part of back to floor by tightening muscles of abdomen and back. Relax to starting position.

Count. Each return to starting position counts one.

Chart 3_8b