

German Plant Book – Allerlei Nette Pflanzen (1800s)

This book has been scanned from its original copy and digitized into .pdf format for easy reading on any computer, mobile or tablet device provided a .pdf reader is installed. The illustrations are marvelous and it is written in German. 51 pages. Please note: There is a semi-transparent watermark  ( to keep it from being mass produced. This is intended to be your own personal copy.


Method for the Guitar – M. Carcassi – 1884

These celebrated instructions for the Guitar embrace much valuable matter and a thorough understanding of the art of playing this delightful instrument.  It is in English and in French. It has been scanned from the original copy and digitized into .pdf format for easy reading on any computer, mobile or tablet devices provided it has a .pdf reader installed.

Each page contains a small watermark ( to ensure that it will not be mass produced.



The Picture Story Of The San Francisco Earthquake (1906)

This book has been carefully scanned from its original copy.  It includes a magnificent panorama picture of the city post-disaster.  It has been digitized into .pdf format for easy reading on your computer, mobile or tablet device provided you have a .pdf reader installed.  Thanks for your purchase! You will not find a higher quality online at this price! Please Note:

Each page contains a small, mostly transparent watermark: to ensure that it will not be mass produced.