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Miss Norma’s Diary – February 11, 1962 – “At night Ian and Barbara and I went to the drive-in “


“Today Mabel and Frank and I and Kenny drove up to Los Angeles. We stopped to see Margaret and Jerry and the kids and then we went to Beverly Hills to see the pretty homes up there. We got back about 6:00. Mommy and Daddy were home. They went to Yuma. At night Ian and Barbara and I went to the drive-in to see ‘Carosell’ and ‘The King and I’. We had fun. Saw Ralph’s car at the bowling alley tonight.”

2018-02-16 05.54.29

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Miss Norma’s Diary – February 10, 1962 – “Barry walked by and he goosed me”


“Today Barbara and I went down the street. We saw Charlie. Barry was in Thrifty’s Barbara started to walk out but I stayed. We went over to the counter. Barry was watching us. Barry walked by and he goosed me. Then he said, ‘Well, well, the Bobsee Twins.’ We both had our coats on. We saw Ralph today. He drove by us and he looked at us and he rolled down his window. Ian took us for a ride today. Ian told me that he had V.D four years ago. At night Barbara and I went to the show. Charlie was the only one there. He looked at us when he walked by.”

2018-02-08 06.29.45

All Entries in February 1962:

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Miss Norma’s Diary – February 9, 1962 – “I got real jazzed the way Barry kissed that girl”


“Today I went to school. After school Barbara and I went down the street. We both thought that we saw Ralph driving by in another car. At night Barbara and I went to the show. Barry was the only one there. He didn’t pay any attention to us. This girl sat by him and he hissed her on the cheek. But he was only teasing. He came up to me once and said something but I can’t think what it was. Mr. W. Told Mommy and Paul is going to ask me to go to the show Sat nite. Ian told me that Lonnie asked Marie if I wore falcies. She said no But Lonnie still couldn’t believe it. I got real jazzed the way Barry kissed that girl. Real tender and soft. I wish Barry wasn’t so bad. I would probably go out with him then.”

2018-02-08 06.29.05

All Entries in February 1962:

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Miss Norma’s Diary – February 8, 1962 – “After school Barbara didn’t pick me up”


Today I went to school. After school Barbara didn’t pick me up. When I got home the rain started again. At nite Barbara came up and we both did our homework.

2018-02-08 06.27.53

All Entries in February 1962:

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Miss Norma’s Diary – February 7, 1962 – “By the time I got home the top of my hair was just dripping wet and so were my clothes”


“Today I went to school After school it started raining and Barbara didn’t pick me up. By the time I got home the top of my hair was just dripping wet and so were my clothes. At night I stayed home and watched T.V.”

2018-02-08 06.27.17

All Entries in February 1962:

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Miss Norma’s Diary – February 6, 1962 – “Barbara has been bugging me lately. Today she was staring at me all the time.”


“Today I went to school After school Barbara and I went down the street. We saw A.T. Talking to the woman that works in Burner Judd’s and she was with a man. They all went walking off together. Then later Barbara and I was sitting in The Donut Shop and A.T. Walked by. Barbara just about jumped out of her chair. Later we were in the store and Ralph walked by. Barbara has been bugging me lately. Today she was staring at me all the time. It really bugged me and I was getting’ grumpy. At night I washed my hair, did my homework and watched television.”

2018-02-08 06.26.47

All Entries in February 1962:

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Miss Norma’s Diary – February 5, 1962 – “We went to the record store and played a bunch of records”


Today I went to school. After school Barbara and I went down the street. We saw A.T. Going by in a car. We didn’t see Barry though. We went to the record store and played a bunch of records. At night I stayed home and watched television.

2018-02-08 06.25.58

All Entries in February 1962:

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Miss Norma’s Diary – February 4, 1962 – “this guy whistled at us and then he went over and turned the radio up real loud”


“Today about 4:00 o’clock Barbara and I went down the street. We didn’t see anyone we knew. When we were going by Barry’s house, this guy whistled at us and then he went over and turned the radio up real loud. He had a glass window in the front of the house. At night I stayed home and watched television.”

2018-02-08 06.25.17

All Entries in February 1962:

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Miss Norma’s Diary – February 3, 1962 – “They kept talking and laughing and makin’ cracks”


“Today about 2:00 Barbara and I went down the street. We kept looking for Barry and Ralph but they just weren’t there. We saw Bennie, Asa, Wally & Ray. We kept passing them. At night Barbara and I went to the show A.T., Charlie & two other guys were there with them. A.T. & Charlie were sitting a few rows in front of us for a long time then they moved. Barbara and I went down in front to sit Later, Charlie & A.T. Came over and sat behind us. When Barbara and I went up, Charlie looked at us. They kept talking and laughing and makin’ cracks. But we had a lot of fun.”

2018-02-08 06.24.07

All Entries in February 1962:

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All Entries in 1962

How To Live Long – Part 7

#49. “As argument in the presence of third persons quickly degenerates into the ignoble ambition of victory, rather than conviction or instruction, and is unprofitable, so is reproof, except when the two are alone; else the admonition is received with impatience, indignation, or revenge”
#50. “To remind of a favor is not kind; to speak f it offensively, more than cancels the obligation.”
#51. “To leave the best for other is generous, to select the best for one’s self is the meanest of all traits”
#52. The “gentleman” is magnanimous, the “lady” is serene.”

#53. “The portion of the body which most requires protection against cold and wind, is that between the shoulder-blades behind, as it is at this point the lungs are attached to the body, an the blood is easily chilled”
#54. “To spend two or three moments, on rising and retiring, in rapid friction of the whole surface of the body with the hand, is a more rational treatment of the skin, and a more health promoting operation, for most persons, than a daily cold water bath”
#55. “The wisest men are those who aim to live in such a way as to grow old without aches or pains”
#56. “No rational mind can fail to see that it is a wisdom and a duty to guard against the causes, and watch vigilantly against the indications of such diseases as dyspepsia, which often so influences the mind as to subvert the whole character, making a wreck of happiness, heart, and life together”