Category Archives: HealthCraver

Iced Tea Is “Slow Suicide” – Says The Chief Chemist of the United States Government – 1929

I used to think that tea was better than coffee but now I am conflicted and overwhelmed by the information that exists in the world today.  It is as if anything can be refuted and for that reason, one person can argue that tea is good for you (herbal, medicinal etc.). Yet, I wonder where this information comes from? T.V.? Internet? Schools? Doctors? With informers like these, we tend to just believe what we are told, without investigation of our own until we ultimately believe that it is good for us even though those who say this are often selling it as well. For example, the tobacco industry honestly tried to convince people in the early 1900s that tobacco juice and smoke are antiseptic (that is: having some effect on germs of disease)! Of course, people were ready to believe this and so chewing and smoking tobacco became a very justified thing to do. However, this was proven wholly wrong during an experiment in which a piece of dead heart tissue which was fed (perfect blood) subsequently began showing signs of life in the most remarkable way (the the heart pieces were actually beating) that is, until: “the slightest breath of tobacco smoke on the [beating heart pieces] resulted in the instant stopping of the heart pulsation, and the cessation of the growth of new tissue”

At some point in our lives, there is a truth that surfaces beyond all doubt and most often, this same truth already surfaced in the past but is well suppressed in our present times.  Regardless, we believe that we know everything until we are confronted with a truth that was proved to be so a long time ago which makes you wonder why it hardly exists today and even runs contrary to our current beliefs.  Usually, I find that many old truths don’t coincide with what today’s moneymakers want and that is: A society of people who are ready and waiting to do exactly as they are told. So, if you feel like tea is something that you “need” to relax, for your throat (which doesn’t actually help), or simply that it is better than coffee, then please read the following passage from “Complete Life Building” – 1929:

“Tea is a direct poison. It is wholly foreign to the human body. . .

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. . .It weakens every organ, and acts directly on the bladder, making it very difficult to retain the water there.  Ice Tea, as the Chief Chemist of the United States Government stated, is “slow suicide”. Tea drinking undermines the brain forces, ruins the memory, causes loss of faculties long before age has come on, and makes a person desperately nervous, and subject to gloomy moods by night and day.  Its end is paralysis.

See What This Book Has To Say About Coffee! (Believe it or not – it’s better than Tea!) Coming soon. . .Check back shortly . . .

This Meal Will Create Perfect Blood!

Pomalt is a meal with 3 simple ingredients that when mixed together provide all 14 elements that the blood needs in order to maintain perfect health indefinitely.  Sounds hard to believe, right?  Well, studies were conducted approximately 100 years ago that prove how important it is to feed your blood these 14 elements. Nothing more and nothing less. So, what does this mean?  Well, if the food that is daily fed to the human body were to contain all the fourteen elements in their proper combinations, and no other elements, the following results would be attained:

  • You could not make a body sick by any means you could devise.
  • A body that is built of these fourteen elements is perfectly immune against all disease, no matter how virulent, and no matter what the exposure. It is simply impossible for disease to secure a foothold for there is no soil in which its germs can take growth.  In all germ maladies two things are required: germs and soil. No germs can grow without the soil; and there is no germ soil in any of the fourteen elements.

There are two other elements which are found in the human body: Iodine and Maganese and they are intended by Nature to make a balance when some of the main 14 elements may be lacking.  Thus, if all the main elements are present and in proper balance, Iodine and Maganese are not required and may be absent at all times. With that said, it’s no surprise these days why we need Iodine salt in our diets due to our lack of the 14 elements necessary to maintain our health. However, we can change all of that by adopting this one dish (Pomalt). But first, let’s find out why this is so important:

According to the book “Complete Life Building” (1929) experiments were conducted to test the miraculous properties of perfect blood (blood fed with ONLY the 14 elements. Nothing More. Nothing Less).  In these experiments, this “perfect blood” was fed to dead cells and dead body parts.  In this case, the human body used was a victim of a gun shot to the head.  His body was preserved on ice for 6 months and then parts were re-heated to body temperature and fed pure blood:
  • Cells: By feeding a cell perfect blood, growth began to take place by wrapping itself about a tiny portion of food (blood) and absorbing it and then splitting itself in half.
  • Bones: In another case, pieces of bone taken from an animal that had recently died was fed perfect blood and they continued the work of creating bone cells by which it added to itself.  Also, when fed blood that was NOT perfect the bone refused to take any part of it and simply stopped growing.
  • Skin: Skin (like bone) is made up of countless cells and when it was fed perfect blood it was woven at once by the skin into additional skin.  However, this growing piece of skin was setback when lard, fried food, pastry etc. was added to the blood (no longer perfect). Also, it died at once when the slightest breath of tobacco fumes was exhaled over it and never returned to growth again (even after “perfect blood” was reintroduced).
  • Stomach, Kidneys, Liver, Lungs: The same perfect blood was given to all of these parts of the body and each began to build more of its kind, the liver built liver, the kidney built kidney and so on.
  • Brains: It absorbed a small part of the perfect blood and thus built more tissue exactly like its own – brain fiber. However, when just one element was lacking, no matter what, the brain refused to build tissue.
  • Making The Heart Beat: Fragments of heart were placed on slides and fed perfect blood and they began to build new cells . They not only began to build more heart tissue but they all began to contract and expand just like whole hearts in living bodies!

Summary of Experiments:

If a piece of any part of the human body that had been put away in cold storage for many months only to be removed, given warmth and fed “perfect blood” will spring to life again (as had been amply proved) then it is certain that the same part of the human body that, when alive and given perfect food, will live on indefinitely because what a small, dead part will do, a living and whole body will surely do!

All that is required for “perfect blood” is perfect food!

With that said, here is the one dish with three ingredients that supplies all 14 elements needed for the human body to live and thrive indefinitely:


You Need These 14 Elements To Build A Perfect Body

It has been proven (over 100 years ago) that these 14 elements are what your body needs in order to provide you with absolutely perfect health. There are plenty of elements on earth; some are good for making houses but they are not good for making the human body. Therefore, what you intend to build should be made of the kind of material that is required to build it. If you wish to make a gold ring, you need gold. If you want to build a brick house, you must use bricks. However, when it comes to building life in the body, these are the elements that you need to consume everyday in order to build this LIFE:

1. Oxygen.

This is needed to burn the sugars and fatty acids in our cells to produce energy.

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2. Hydrogen.

This is the lightest and most abundant element in the universe and bound mostly to carbon and nitrogen which is part of every molecule in your body.

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3. Nitrogen.

This is in amino acids which are the building blocks that make up the proteins in your hair, muscles, skin and other tissues.

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4. Carbon.

This is the basic building block to most cells in the body and helps with cellular respiration to aid your body in releasing energy stored in glucose.

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5. Calcium.

This builds bones and keeps them healthy.

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6. Phosphorus.

This is another builder of strong bones and teeth.

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7. Sulfur.

This maintains everything from youthful skin and joints to a healthy digestive system.

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8. Sodium.

This maintains blood pressure and blood volume.

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9. Chlorine.

This serves as one of the main electrolytes of the body.

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10. Flourine.

This is found in the bones, teeth, blood, skin, nails and hair.

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11. Iron.

This makes hemoglobin which delivers oxygen to the body.

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12. Potassium.

This plays a role in smooth muscle contraction which is important for normal digestion and muscular function.

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13. Magnesium.

This activates over 300 enzyme reactions in the body which is crucial to nerve transmission and energy production among other things.

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14. Silicon.

This is vital for strong and flexible joints.

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You can get all 14 elements in this ONE dish – Pomalt!

Actress Helen Mirren’s Workout Comes From This Vintage Canadian Air Force Fitness Book! Try It Now:

This information comes from the ‘Royal Canadian Air Force Exercise Plans For Physical Fitness’ book from 1962.

It is a physical fitness program composed of 4 charts (1, 2, 3, 4) and ten exercises, arranged in progressive order of difficulty. Then it goes on to divide the charts into levels and the purpose is to help people easily progress their physical fitness level.  However, once your fitness goal has been reached, you should require only three exercise periods a week to maintain it.

It was developed because a great majority of people would like to exercise, but do not know how to go about it – what to do, how to do it, how often, how to progress, or how far to progress. This program takes out all of the guessing!  Another cool aspect is that there is no equipment and it can be done in only 12 minutes a day.

That’s probably why actress, Helen Mirren has been doing this on and off her whole life and still looks fabulous!

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However, not everyone can get their hands on the entire program and therefore, are frustrated with searching for the specifics of it all online.  Well, your search is over!  I have taken this information from my own, personal copy and I spared no effort in presenting it all to you. Charts and everything! Your journey begins here:

The First Chart:


The number along the top are the exercises (listed below 1-10). The numbers along the left side are the levels of the program. The minutes for each exercise is written along the bottom.

What level to achieve:

Level begin

First, you must select the goal for your age! (please excuse the ink in photo. You should still be able to read it). For example. At 41 – 45 years old, your level should be at: 19. Then it shows how to reach that goal on chart (I, II, III and IV). It tells you how many days to spend on each level. In this case, 5 days on chart 1, 7 days on chart 2, x on chart 3 and x on chart 4. (If this is true, then you may not make it to charts 3 and 4 unless you are physically capable of doing so. In which case, you should start each chart at level 1).  Either way, if you can maintain your goal level or can go above then you are in top physical shape!

What level to start at:

Start at Level 1, which is at the bottom of Chart 1. When you can do this level without strain and in 12 minutes move up to Level 2. Continue until you reach the goal level recommended for your age group, OR until you feel you are exercising at your maximum capacity.

There are two supplementary exercises which are included for those who wish to do a little more (see end of this post). One exercise is for strengthening the muscles of the feet and the ankle joint. The other is for those muscles of the back and abdomen which assist in the maintenance of posture.

Exercise 1 – Toe Touching.


Start. Stand erect, feet 12 inches apart, arms over head. Bend forward to touch the floor between feet.  Do not try to keep knees straight. Return to starting position.

Count. Each return to starting position counts one. (If you begin at level 1,2,or 3, you should be doing this 3 times).

Exercise 2 – Knee Raising.


Start. Stand erect, hands at sides, feet together. Raise left knee as high as possible, grasping knee and shin with hands.  Pull leg toward body.  Keep back straight throughout. Lower foot to floor.  Repeat with right leg. Continue by alternating legs – left then right.

Count. Left and right knee raises count one. (If you begin at level 1,2,or 3, you should be doing this 4 times).

Exercise 3 – Lateral Bending.


Start. Stand erect, feet 12 inches apart, hands at sides. Keeping back straight, bend sidewards from waist to left. Slide left hand down leg as far as possible. Return to starting position and bend to right side.  Continue by alternating to left then right.

Count. Bends to the left and right count one. (If you begin at level 1,2,or 3, you should be doing this 5 times).

Exercise 4 – Arm Circling.


Start. Stand erect, feet 12 inches apart, arms at sides.  Make large circles with left arm. Do one quarter of total count with forward circles and one quarter with backward circles. Repeat with right arm.

Count. A full arm circle counts one.  (If you begin at level 1,2,or 3, you should be doing this 24 times).

Exercise 5 – Sit-ups.


Start. Lie back, legs straight and together, arms at sides.

Raise head and shoulders from floor until  you can see your heels.  Lower head to floor.

Count. Each partial sit-up counts one. (If you begin at level 1 you should be doing this 4 times).

Exercise 6 – Chest and Leg Raising.


Start. Lie face down, arms along sides, hands under thighs, palms pressing against thighs.

Raise head, shoulders, and left leg as high as possible from floor. Keep leg straight. Lower to floor.

Repeat raising head, shoulders, and right leg.

Count. each chest and leg raise counts one. (If you begin at level 1 you should be doing this 4 times).

Exercise 7 – Side Leg Raising.


Start. Lie on side, legs straight, lower arm stretched over head along floor, top arm used for balance.

Raise upper leg 18 to 24 inches. Lower to starting position.

Count. Each leg raise counts one. Do half number of counts raising left leg. Roll to other side and do half number of counts raising right leg. (If you begin at level 1 you should be doing this 4 times).

Exercise 8 – Push-ups.


Start. Lie face down, legs straight and together, hands directly under shoulders.

Push body off floor in any way possible, keeping hands and knees in contact with floor. Sit back on heels. Lower body to floor.

Count. Each return to starting position counts one. (If you begin at level 1 you should be doing this 3 times).

See 8a Supplementary Exercise & See 8b Supplementary Exercise:

at the bottom of this post

Exercise 9 – Leg lifting.


Start. Lie on back, legs straight and together, arms at sides, palms down. Raise left leg until it is perpendicular to floor, or as close to this position as possible. Lower and repeat with right leg. Continue by alternating legs, left then right.

Count. Left plus right leg lifts count one. (If you begin at level 1 you should be doing this 2 times).

Exercise 10 – Run and Hop.


Start. Stand erect, feet together, arms at sides. Starting with left leg, run in place raising feet at least four inches from floor.

(When running in place lift knees forward, do not merely kick heels backwards.)

Count. Each time left foot touches floor counts one.

Hops. Hopping is done so that both feet leave floor together. Try to hop at least four inches off floor each time.

Note:  In all run-in-place exercises only running steps are counted towards completing exercise repetitions. (If you begin at level 1 you should be doing this 50 times).

 Click Here To Progress To The 2nd Chart!

Supplementary Exercise 8a:


Start. Sit on floor, legs straight and about six inches apart, hands behind body for support, feet relaxed. Press toes away from body as far as possible. Bring toes towards body hooking feet as much as possible. Relax feet.

Count. Each return to relaxed state counts one.

Supplementary Exercise 8b:


Start. Sit on floor, knees bent, feet on floor, hands clasped about knees, head bent forward, and body relaxed. Straighten body and left head to look directly ahead. Pull in muscles of abdomen. Relax to starting position.

Count. Each return to starting position counts one.

To continue your progress, go here to the next chart!

The 5 Foods Your Child Needs

Food and Nutrition – Proper feeding during the years of growth is generally recognized as fundamental to the health of every child. The kind of food your child has today determines to a large extent the kind of man or woman that he/she will be tomorrow.  It then behooves every parent to understand the principles which are involved in proper child feeding.

Let us consider first a little about food and the human body in general. Food, of course as everyone knows, give us the following things:

  1. Fuel for body activities – enabling us to work both mentally and physically; to play and to keep us warm. In order for our life processes to go on normally our bodies must maintain a certain temperature – the heat for this comes entirely from the food we eat.
  2. Food supplies material to repair the parts of us which become worn out be working and playing.
  3. Food supplies material for growth.

With these three great general uses of food in mind let us make a simple classification of food material.

1. Fuel Foods- these include:

(a) All fats- such as butter, cream, olive oil, fat of meats, etc. (b) All Starches and Sugars-such as bread, cake, crackers, cereals, desserts and pastries, all vegetables

and all fruits.HealthCraver1


2. Foods for Growth and Repair – these include:

All the so called protein foods of which eggs, milk, cheese, fish, lean meat and the grain are the most important.


3. Mineral Salts –

these include:

Salts of iron, of lime, of sodium and many others.  They are found pretty well distributed thru all of our food, some foods being rich in one and some in another.

Iron salts, for instance, are especially abundant in oatmeal, whole wheat flour, raisins, etc.

The salts of lime are very abundant in milk- and as it is these which aid young children chiefly in forming bone and one very good reason for the free use of milk with growing children will be seen.

Iron salts are an indispensable constituent of normal blood.

4. Vitamins –

Food substances not completely understood but which are vitally necessary to the normal growth and health of every child.

(a) Those found in fresh fruits and leafy vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, lettuce.

Tomatoes are also rich in this vitamin.



(b) Those found in milk and dairy products.

(c) Those found in cereals and grains.

5. Water –

This is frequently not classed as a food because it does not give energy, nor repair waste or supply growth.  It is, however, necessary in order that all the above named processes should go on.

The usual method of measuring food quantities in relation to nutrition is by the calorie.  The calorie is really a certain amount of heat.  In this connection one calorie represents enough heat to raise the temperature of about 1 quart of water 1 degree fahrenheit .  The reason the calorie is chosen as the unit for measuring foods accurately is because all of the major classes of foods, i.e., fats, starches, sugars and proteins are transformed into heat in our bodies.

It is not necessary for the parents to puzzle unduly over total calories.  After total quality of food required is settled in a general way the next important question to be determined is the proper protein requirement.  Children require more protein than adults because of growth. Roughly speaking; 15% of their total daily calories should be derived from protein food.  The best all-around protein food for the growing child is milk.  After milk, egss, simple cheese and cereals are also preferable to meat. A very small piece of meat or fish once each day is the most required by a child.

Bread, cereals and grain products should furnish 1/3 of the child’s total food intake. Remember that the darker, coarser breads are preferred.  Cooked cereals are more nourishing than the cold ones and vegetables form a very essential part of the diet.  There is little danger of feeding a child too many vegetables. They are important in helping to counteract constipation. Potatoes, baked, boiled or mashed, should be given every day.

Lettuce, spinach, beet greens, carrots, cooked onions and all the dried vegetables should be generously served.

 This information comes from an encyclopedia from early 1900’s.  If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email:  Thank You!

The Fastest Way To Lose Weight – Old Book Remedy!

“The weight will be reduced from one-half pound to two pounds daily, and with marked improvement in all the physical functions.” – Dr. Frank McCoy

Of course, we all know that our diet is bad, but what can we do to fix it fast?  That’s what this book “The Fastest Way To Health by Dr. Frank McCoy” is all about.  What I like most is that it gets right to the point with a contents page that lists numerous conditions such as: Acne, Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Headache, Kidney Stone, Varicose Veins and of course, Obesity plus many, many more.

This article will give you the treatment to one of those conditions and that is, Obesity (at the end of this post is a link to download this chapter for yourself). The reason that I picked this particular topic is that I find it helpful, easy and quite simply, it works!  I’ve given this information to people that I know and when followed, the results were dramatic and fast.  Even if I don’t personally struggle with Obesity in the same way that another might, that is, “having difficulty breathing and freedom of movement”, I do have binges of eating (Christmas, Buffets) and afterwards, I take to this treatment and get myself back on track fast! “Your age can never be a handicap to you, for you may develop a beautiful body at any age,”  Says Dr. Frank McCoy and it’s true!

 So, without further ado, lets discuss this easy-to-do remedy to get back on track with whatever weight problems that we may have in our lives at this time.  It will interest anyone who may be:

“Conscious of carrying around too much weight – who are stuffy, short of breath, sleepy, and uncomfortable.”

Regardless of where you fit in the treatment is simple:  Water and citrus juice.


Easy, right?  According to this chapter, “The quickest and most infallible method of reducing the weight to the normal is the use of the fasting cure in some form.  Fasting with small amounts of water and the juice of citrus fruit is perhaps the best procedure for the average case.  The weight will be reduced from one-half pound to two pounds daily, and with marked improvement in all the physical functions.”

I have taken this information and developed my own method using my high powered mixer at home.

Now that you’ve discovered that all it takes is citrus and water, here is the method that I have adopted in 8 simple steps:

1. Begin with peeling an orange.

2. Put it in your blending cup and add some ice.  I use two cubes.


3. Add some water to the mixing cup.