Miss Norma’s Diary – August 14, 1960 – “We were going to call up Loren and Mal”


“Today I went on a picnic with Barbara and her family. At 5 o’clock Barbara and me and Cindy went down to the M.G.C. Cindy had her mow mow (?) on and my shades. When we went up to the office, Malcolm said ‘hi’ and smiled and he said to me, ‘Is that your sister?’ and I said, ‘No, she’s my cousin.’ And he smiled and talked to Cindy. . . 

. . .Then Barb and I played a game and I won five free games. . .

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. . .Right after he got through playing, Loren came and Malcolm left. Loren kept talking to Cindy and us. Later on, Margaret came and got Cindy. Then Barbara called Ian on the phone to see about the surfing story. Barbara told Loren about it and he said he didn’t want to be in it. So, Barbara was really mad but I wasn’t too mad. When Ian came down with Bill, we told him Loren wouldn’t do it. So, Ian went and talked to Mr. Richards about it and he gave Ian their phone number and Ian gave Mr. Richards his card. Last night I stayed over night with Barbara and we slept in the living room. We were going to call up Loren and Mal but Barbara’s mother was still awake when we went to sleep.”

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