Miss Norma’s Diary – August 18, 1960 – ” We sat there for a long time, me thinking and talking about Malcolm and Barbara about Loren”


“Today Barbara and I went down to the Miniature golf course. Loren and Mr. and Mrs. Richards and Jimmy was there because they got a new bowling machine. . . 

. . .Barbara and I played the bowling machine and Loren stood there and watched us.

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. . .He never said anything to us though because all these other guys were there too. As soon as Loren left, we left and we walked to Prospect (street) in La Jolla (CA). On the way to Malcolm’s house about 10 blocks from there, we were walking down by the beach and Mr. and Mrs. Richards drove by us but I didn’t think they saw us. After we had walked by their house, we went up to the corner and sat on the bench. We sat there for a long time, me thinking and talking about Malcolm and Barbara about Loren. When we were at the Miniature golf course in the morning, we heard Loren say this was his day off. So, we knew that he wouldn’t work at night. We did not go down to the M.G tonight. I STILL love Mal.”

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